Monday, December 14, 2015


For this memento project, we were asked to make a non-representational sculpture of a memory. 
We were to use no more, no less, than three (3) materials. I used elements and principles of design to symbolize my memory

Finally, what was created is a free standing sculpture that is meant to be held in hand. 

The materials I chose were:

1.) Masking tape
3,)A white washcloth

 I chose these materials all for specific reasons. The fur was to represent the warmth that the kitten from my memory needed to stay warm. The fur that let him down. The fur that didn't quite work as well as it should have. The fur that led to his freezing to death.

I chose the white washcloth not only to represent the innocence of that poor little kitten but also because there were the washcloths that I laid over him outside while I waited overnight for his mom to come back for him.

The tape was chose because it collects everything with its sticky side and it is so moldable. This memory will stick with me forever. I'll never lose that picture of my kitten, frozen in a shoebox, clearly showing that he was trying to stay warm. That kitten was a few weeks old. He had a lot of learning and growing up to do. Just as the take was impressionable, so was he. He just never got the chance to be molded as the tape did.

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